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SKU CLS960003

IVISbrite Red F-luc-GFP Lentiviral Particles are self-inactivating, recombination incompetent lentiviral particles carrying red-shifted Luciola Italica luciferase transgene under control of the stable UbC promoter. The luciferase transgene is fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene via T2A “self-cleaving” linker peptide for efficient co-expression with selection marker. The lentiviral particles are pseudotyped with G glycoprotein from Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSVG), allowing efficient transduction of a wide variety of mammalian cells including most cancer cell lines, primary, stem and non-dividing cells.

  • Each vial contains 1 x 107 units/ml of lentiviral particles resuspended in 200 uL
  • The packaged material provides sufficient number of lentiviral particles for transduction of at least one cell line

It's recommended to use this product to transduce human cell lines, or murine cell lines that will be used in Nude and SCID mouse models only. An immune response may occur in syngeneic mouse models.
For laboratory use only. This product is intended for animal research only and not for use in humans.

Imaging ModalityBioluminenscence
One Unit Contains1.0 each
Optical Imaging ClassificationBioluminescence Imaging
Shipping ConditionsShipped in Dry Ice
StyleRed F-luc-GFP
TypeLentiviral particles
Unit Size1 Vial



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