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100 - 1000 ml Vivaflow® 50R is a ready-to-use and reusable laboratory crossflow cassette for concentrating up to 1 l samples. The active membrane area per device is 50 cm². One unit comes with all necessary accessories for running the device with a laboratory pump and a size 16 pump head. For speeding up the concentration, two cassettes can be run simultaneously. Vivaflow® 50R is a ready-to-use and reusable laboratory crossflow cassette for concentrating up to 1 l samples. Optimally suited for applications like cell culture supernatant concentration, virus concentration and water sample concentration (e.g. environmental samples or water from fish breeding facilities), this economical product offers a standard of ease of use, reliability and flexibility unrivalled by any laboratory filtration system in the market. The thin-channel, flip-flow recirculation path of the modules provides high crossflow velocities with minimum pump speed requirements. A single module with 50 cm2 active membrane area typically concentrates 250 ml by a factor of 20 in less than 30 min. Alternatively, two Vivaflow® 50R modules can be used in parallel for concentration of 1 l in approx. 45 minutes. Near total recovery of the concentrate is achieved with a single final rinse. Vivaflow® 50R can easily be cleaned and re-used several times. All accessories for sample concentration, except a peristaltic pump with a pump head for size 16 tubing, are included in the package for using a single cassette. A 500 ml sealed diafiltration reservoir can be added to the system for rapid and convenient buffer exchange. Equipment required The standard Vivaflow® 50R package comes with tubing, pressure indicator, flow restrictor and high pressure pump tubing. All you need is a peristaltic pump with a pump head capable of handling 6.4 mm OD tubing (size 16). · Plug and play laboratory cross flow cassette · Fast and easy protein sample concentration · Reusable · Concentrates volumes from 0.1 l -1 l · Optimal for cell culture supernatant and virus concentration · Smallest cross flow cassette with premium Hydrosart® membrane · High flow rate and recovery





Sartorius® Ultrafiltration Family Brochure

EN | 1,611 MB


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Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia

Phone: +37251939223

Reg No 14758203

NOVA uudiskiri

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ISO9001 1 e1593687280362