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SKU 6000253

For use in the trays of cell harvesting systems, the caps are connected in strings of six, with spacing corresponding to the 6 x 16 formats of the trays. After the glass fiber filters are completely dried, simply punch into Pico Pro Vials and add up to 4 mL scintillation cocktail. Lay a string of caps over a row of six vials, and press the caps onto the vials until a “click” is heard. The connections between the caps are automatically broken, and the remaining strings are folded upwards.


  • Height with cap: 60.8 mm
  • Diameter: 14.2 mm; diameter opening: 12.2 mm
  • Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C

Revvity offers high quality glass and plastic vials. The best vial to choose is dependent on the type and volume of sample to be counted and the cocktail that will be used.

Plastic vials are injection (blow) molded to exacting specifications from virgin high-density (linear) polyethylene (HDPE). Caps are recessed to assure reliable loading and transferring in automatic sample changers without skipping or jamming. Since polyethylene vials are produced from petrochemicals, they contain no measurable background and are preferred for low activity counting applications.

  • Lower background level than glass vials
  • Higher counting efficiency than glass vials
  • Combustible: easier waste disposal
  • No solvent permeation with safer, high-flash point cocktails





Perkin Elmer Radiometric Reagents Guide

EN | 2,208 MB


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Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia

Phone: +37251939223

Reg No 14758203

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