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SKU 6013377

Biodegradable, high flash-point liquid scintillation cocktail allows you to determine low levels of 3H in a wide range of water samples without requiring distillation. Ultima Gold™ LLT accepts up to 54% tap water, river water, rain water and even sea water, with 3H counting efficiencies of approximately 30% and with very low background levels. When used with the Tri-Carb® time-resolved low-level liquid scintillation analyzers, backgrounds are reduced even further, resulting in minimum detectable activities of less than 1.1Bq/L-1 (500 minute count time).


· High water capacity - up to 54%

· High counting efficiency

· Very low background levels

· For bioassay of urine up to 40% capacity, allowing detection levels of less than 10Bq/L-1 (500 minute count time)

· Heavy metal radionuclide sample capacity, up to 18% of 2M HNO3, 2M HCl and 2M H3PO4 for alpha, beta and alpha/beta counting

· No diffusion through polyethylene vials

· Biodegradable

· High flash-point of approximately 140°C






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Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia

Phone: +37251939223

Reg No 14758203

NOVA uudiskiri

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ISO9001 1 e1593687280362