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SKU 99IEXQ42GC-----D

Sartobind® Q strong ion exchangers are perfect tools for the polishing of monoclonal antibodies for the removal of viruses, DNA, host cell proteins, leached Protein A, and endotoxins. As size exclusion effects are neglectible, they are suited for purification of viruses such as adeno or lentiviruses displaying one order of magnitude higher dynamic binding capacity. Sartobind® Q membrane adsorbers display a macro-porous structure with pore size of > 3 µm. Quaternary ammonium ligands are bound covalently to the complete internal surface of the membrane, resulting in separation media of high binding capacity combined with exceptional high flow rates. Applications virus and VLP capture: As size exclusion effects are negligible, they are suited for purification of viruses and display one order of magnitude higher dynamic binding capacity compared to resin. Viruses such as adeno- or lentiviruses are captured at high flow rates. The material allows also >100 cycles of re-use without loss of binding capacity. Benefits capture: · High speed purification at 5 - 30 bed volumes per minute · No size exclusion effects for large proteins an viruses / VLPs · >10fold higher binding capacities compared to conventional resins Applications flow-through polishing: Sartobind Q is the perfect tool for the flow-through polishing of valuable proteins such as monoclonal antibodies. The bed volumes can be kept sufficiently small during the removal of viruses, DNA, host cell proteins, leached Protein A, and endotoxins from such pharmaceutical proteins. Benefits flow-through polishing: · Virus clearance > 6 log · DNA below detection limit · Host cell protein removal > 99 % · Endotoxin removal > 5 log · Save 80 % of column costs Easy to use: · Plug and play devices from 0.08 mL to 5 L · Can be used like a filter · Flow rate up to 30 bed volumes/min · Re-usable or disposable





Sartobind® Membrane Chromatography

EN | 3,476 MB



Sartobind® Selection Guide

EN | 827,053 KB



Sartobind® 96-well plates Datasheet

EN | 376,406 KB


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Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia

Phone: +37251939223

Reg No 14758203

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