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SKU 94IEXD42-001

Sartobind IEX membranes are macroporous, cellulose-based membranes carrying IEX ligands. Binding of charged target molecules takes place at high flow rates. Sartobind ion exchange (IEX) membranes feature binding sites that are grafted homogenously as an approximately 0.5 - 1 µm film on the inner walls of the reinforced and cross-linked cellulose network. Diffusion time in adsorbers is negligible because of the large pores and immediate binding of the target substance to the ligands. There is no pore diffusion as given in conventional beads but film diffusion on any point of the microporous membrane structure. At convective flow conditions the movement of the molecules of the mobile phase is directed by pump pressure only. That is why membrane adsorbers feature extremely short cycle times and exceptionally high flow rate and throughput.. · Macroporous · High flow rate · Simple handling





Sartobind® Membrane Chromatography

EN | 3,661 MB


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Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia

Phone: +37251939223

Reg No 14758203

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ISO9001 1 e1593687280362