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Registreeru kohe ja saa lisahüvesid:
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  • Kohaletoimetamise jälgimine
  • Eeltäidetud ja kiire ostukorv
  • Tellimuste ajalugu ja kiire taasostmine
  • Täpne toote laoseis


Image and quantify osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer metastases, and other bone diseases, as well as normal bone growth and resorption, in vivo with IVISense™ Osteo Fluorescent Imaging probes (OsteoSense™). As opposed to other imaging modalities such as CT or x-ray which raise the risk of harmful irradiation to the subject, in vivo fluorescence imaging offers no radiation exposure concerns, and when performed with optimized hydroxyapatite-targeted probes such as IVISense Osteo, can image and quantify bone growth and elucidate the biology of bone remodeling.

IVISense Osteo probes are available in 3 wavelengths: 680, 750, and 800.

IVISense Osteo NIR fluorescent bisphosphonate imaging probes are designed to bind with high affinity to hydroxyapatite (HA) both in vivo and in vitro. Since HA is known to bind pyrophosphonates and phosphonates as well as synthetic bisphosphonates with high affinity, IVISense Osteo agents offer a safe and easy means to assess the subtle bone mineral changes that occur in bone growth, bone loss, and in diseases that damage bone, using subtherapeutic doses for imaging.

IVISense Osteo 750 is excited by 749 ± 10 mn excitation light and emits at 770 ± 10 mn. Including IVISense Osteo 750 in careful experimental design allows for multiplexing with other channels and/or imaging times, and so can be paired with other probes to achieve maximum efficiency and flexibility in imaging.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.



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Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia

Phone: +37251939223

Reg No 14758203

NOVA uudiskiri

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ISO9001 1 e1593687280362