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The PhenoVue cell painting kit comprises 6 validated, pre-optimized fluorescent probes and associated diluent to streamline the cell painting workflow.

The PhenoVue cell painting kit is validated for use on high-content screening systems, such as the Opera Phenix Plus and other high-content imaging systems.

Cell Painting is a powerful phenotypic high-content screening approach which combines cell and computational biology to unravel cells' responses when subjected to perturbagens. ​

Cell are "painted" by labelling different cellular compartments with different fluorescent bioprobes to quantitatively profile multiple phenotypic parameters in order to better understand the effects of chemical compounds, drugs, genes, or other test articles.​

The PhenoVue Cell Painting Kit comprises validated, pre-optimized fluorescent bioprobes to streamline the cell painting workflow, saving time and costs. ​


Numbers of Vials Per Unit8
Equivalent Number of Plates10 x 384-well microplates

Kit Components / Quantity

  • PhenoVue Hoechst 33342 Nuclear Stain / 1 vial - 700µg
  • PhenoVue Fluor 488 Concanavalin A / 2 vials - 6 mg per vial
  • PhenoVue 512 Nucleic Acid Stain / 1 vial - 400nmol
  • PhenoVue Fluor 555 - WGA / 1 vial - 0.2mg
  • PhenoVue Fluor 568 - Phalloidin / 1 vial - 4nmol
  • PhenoVue 641 Mitochondrial Stain / 1 vial - 50µg
  • PhenoVue Dye Diluent A (5X) / 1 vial - 80mL (5X)

For research use only.



Product Sheet for PhenoVue Cell Painting Kit10x384-Wells

EN | 1,677 MB



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