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SKU 122799-5

Luciferin is a chemical substance found in the cells of various bioluminescent organisms. When Luciferin is oxidized under the catalytic effects of luciferase and ATP, light is produced. Because the reaction is dependent on ATP, it allows researchers to determine the presence of energy or life. Firefly luciferin is a particularly good reporter for in vitro biophotonic imaging due to properties of its emission spectra.

Luciferin can be used in a number of ways. It can be used in a variety of in vitro assays, where the production of light can be monitored with either a luminometer or a scintillation counter. It can also be used to monitor light production in vivo, and can be monitored with PRevvity's IVIS® imaging platform. Because luciferin can penetrate cell membranes, it allows transformed cells to be monitored for luciferase activity.

Luciferin can also be used with Revvity's IVISbrite luciferase expressing oncology cell lines and our IVISbrite lentiviral particles. There are many considerations when choosing a luciferin substrate and it is important to know that you are using the highest quality Luciferin for your experiments.

Molecular Information: C11H7 KN2 O3 S2 (MW: 318.4)

For laboratory use only. This product is intended for animal research only and not for use in humans.

Imaging ModalityBioluminenscence
Luciferase ClassificationFirefly
Shipping ConditionsShipped in Blue Ice
Unit Size5 x 1 g



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