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0,00 €

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  • Eeltäidetud ja kiire ostukorv
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  • Täpne toote laoseis

SKU 3565

These disposable Corning® Spinner Flask Aseptic Transfer Caps will both reduce contamination and enhance the productivity of your cell culture operations when adding or removing medium and cells. Aseptic Transfer Caps are sterile (10⁻⁶ SAL), individually double bagged and fit the side arms on 500 mL Corning® Disposable Spinner Flasks (Cat. No. 3153). · Cap is made of high density polyethylene; autoclaving is not recommended. · The venting port ends in a 25mm diameter vent filter with a 0.2 µm pore PVDF membrane and a barbed fitting. · The liquid transfer port has an internal end with a rigid polypropylene dip tube angled to reach the bottom of the flask and on the external side a 1/8 inch ID (3.2mm), 1/4 inch OD chemically resistant, heat sealable flexible tubing, ending in a male Luer lock (MLL) connector closed with a female Luer sealing cap. · Designed for both suspension and adherent cell culture applications and optimized for use with Corning microcarriers.



Hiljuti vaadatud


Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia

Phone: +37251939223

Reg No 14758203

NOVA uudiskiri

Liituge meie uudiskirjaga!
ISO9001 1 e1593687280362